#0 How to Can’t

This was another school project, the topic was ‘justified’, where we had to come up with a dilemma and justify it in second person.

I enjoyed writing this and presenting it to my classmates, perhaps I will turn it into a series of first world problem ‘shorts’.

Blueberry muffin? Or chocolate croissant?

Your first world problems kick in. Do you seek a mouthful of berry-goodness? Or a cheeky blend of flaky pastry and creamy chocolate?

Your hear the clearing of the cashier’s throat and the shuffling of four pairs of brown, $300 Uggs behind you. A bead of  sweat rolls down from your forehead as the pressure is on, mixed with the heat of coffee brewing and lemon-grass moisturizer in the air around you.

With haste, you point to the blueberry muffin, believing it will tell the dread-lock-ridden ‘dude’ beside you that you make healthy choices in your life.

As you are handed the bagged muffin, you traipse toward the nearest vacant seat in order to commence the dining of your over-priced cake.

Such a difficult decision, such stress, such anxiety…

… You couldn’t even.